North West Telegraph, 11 November 2015
After reading this article in the North West Telegraph on ‘tourism black hole’ and comments on Facebook that Port Hedland has nothing to offer except the port and Dalgety Museum, I thought it warranted my opinion on the subject.
In my view it should be compulsory for every Australian to visit Port Hedland, the financial heart beat of the Australian economy.
All Australians need to see for themselves how the Port Hedland community wants to co-exist with heavy industry, and how heavy industry can do better to make sure families can live in the West End of Port Hedland.
The West End offers tourists and families fishing, boating, Aboriginal heritage, historic homes, lessons on how to build cyclone proof buildings, the biggest ships in the biggest port of Australia, tours of ship loaders, the longest trains, and importantly how very old Aboriginal rock art is protected and co-exists right near heavy industry.
There are lots to do and see in Port Hedland, especially the West End. Port Hedland is a must see for all Australians and tourists.
Mining and families can co-exist in the West End with the willingness of heavy industry and tourism.
Port Hedland is beautiful, through my eyes as an artist.